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About us

Balticar is the largest seller of used cars in the Baltic countries. We are located in Tallinn, the capital of Estonia. Our company was founded in 2008, and in 10 years it has become a leader in the used car market.

All cars shown on the site are available. You can see and test them on the spot, as well as order delivery of any car to Latvia or Lithuania.

Cars for sale: 524
I-V 9:00 - 20:00
VI 9:00 - 18:00
VII 10:00 - 18:00
  • 3557
    In 2019, we sold 3557 cars
  • 15
    Each day, we add at least 15 new offers
  • 10
    More than 10 years in the Estonian market
  • 30k
    Over 30,000 customers bought a car from us
Any other questions?
Any other questions?
- What is the process of ordering a car?
- Can I come to see and buy a car on the spot in Estonia?
- Why are cars so cheap?
- How do we check cars before selling?
- How to check the car’s history in Estonia?
19704 persons recommend us
Asset 14 Like
Company info
Autoplats OÜ

Reg nr: 16857330

VAT nr: EE102677140

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